
Audiophile e-commerce website

This project highlights my ability to bridge the gap between design and functionality and showcases my aptitude for full-stack development. The Audiophile e-commerce website is a proud addition to my portfolio. This challenge turns an appealing design into a fully functional multi-page e-commerce platform.

Audiophile Projest Desktop Portrait

Key Achievements

  • I have translated the design into a responsive website, ensuring the site adapts perfectly to different screen sizes. The result is a practical user experience across all devices.
  • Implemented hover states for all interactive elements, for better user interactivity.
  • I have created a powerful, full-featured application that handles data management and interaction by applying the power of NextJs, TypeScript, SCSS, GraphQL, Prisma, and MongoDB.
  • Form validation was implemented, ensuring correct data entry and real-time calculation of total payments, including shipping and VAT.
  • Implemed Local Storage to save cart data for a seamless shopping experience.
  • Implemented an order confirmation modal that gives users a summary, giving them confidence in their purchase decision.

Tools Used

  • NextJs
  • TypeScript
  • SCSS
  • GraphQL
  • Prisma
Audiophile Project Showcase
Coffee Chino Projest Desktop
Coffee Chino Projest Mobile